When outsourcing work it is imperative that you are confident in the company you are referring your clients too, Depwest guarantee to assist you in providing the utmost professional service to your clients.
Why instruct Depwest to unlock the hidden cash flow in your client’s investment property?
As a fiercely proud, wholly Western Australian owned company, we believe that our local expertise and service commitment is second to none – local company, local knowledge resulting in an accurate, timely and affordable service setting us apart from our competitors making us the leader in servicing Western Australian property investors.
1. Professionally accepted Depreciation Schedules.
- ATO compliant
Depwest qualify under Tax Ruling 97/25 of the Income Tax Assessment Act (1997) as having the expertise to estimate construction costs for depreciation purposes. Depwest are affiliated with industry regulating bodies and utilise the latest ATO Rulings to ensure investors claim the maximum tax depreciation deductions from their investment property. Our service guarantees excellence, precision and the application of the most up-to-date information to provide you with an optimized lifetime view of your property.
- Registered Tax Agent
Depwest are a registered Tax Agent in accordance with the requirements of the Tax Practitioners Board. From March 1, 2010, all companies who prepare Tax Depreciation Schedules need to be a registered Tax Agent. For your reference our registration number is: 24695836. You can check the credentials of your tax depreciation supplier on the Australian government’s Tax Practitioners Board website: http://www.tpb.gov.au/tpb/agent_register.aspx
- Physical inspections – booked within 1-3 business days (Perth Metro).
Site inspections are necessary to satisfy ATO requirements, a qualified and experienced inspector will visit your property, measure the building, assess the construction and record all depreciable plant and equipment items (including common areas in a strata complex) – Our staff have the expertise and knowledge to know which items are depreciable and how savings can be legitimately achieved, guaranteeing you won’t miss out on any deductions. All the documentation is securely stored and can be retrieved and used as evidence in the event of an audit.
- A one off property deduction schedule – 2 business days after inspection.
Depwest provide a comprehensive one off report valid for the life time of the property (maximum 40 years). The report will illustrate the total property deductions for the lifetime of the property (Division 40 – Decline in Value Deductions on Plant & Equipment & Division 43 – Capital Works Deductions on Building & Infrastructure) providing you with an optimized depreciable lifetime view of your property.
Depwest Property Depreciation Schedule
On-site inspection of the total property and common areas by a tax depreciation specialist
- Both prime and diminishing value methods of Depreciation
- Immediate write off assets
- Low value pooled assets
- Capital work deductions
- Structural improvements
- Furniture and furniture packages
- Common property assets
- 2 day turnaround from day of inspection
- Depreciation schedule lasting the life of the property
Depwest Post Purchase Addendum Depreciation Schedule
(Assets which are purchased by the investor after settlement, not part of the purchase)
- Prime cost asset depreciation
- Diminishing value depreciation
- Immediate write off assets
- Low value pooling assets
- Furniture and furniture packages
- Capital works depreciation
- Repairs and maintenance schedule
Our prices start from $450.00 plus GST. (Perth Metropolitan)
Depwest conduct a free, no obligation desktop feasibility assessment on every application that we receive. This study will involve a number of simple questions regarding the purchase and the property followed by online research – once we have finished the study we will email the results of our study explaining exactly why it is or is not feasible.
If Depwest do not attain at least double our professional fee in depreciation entitlements in the first full financial year – we will refund the fee and provide the report at NIL cost.
Instruct Depwest to unlock the hidden cash flow in your client’s investment property and you will not be disappointed!
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Please contact Depwest on 08 9489 4500 to discuss further.